Florida Gulf Coast Hope Spot Week is upon us! Join us for a stimulating panel discussion followed by Q&A with Dr. Sylvia Earle and local organizations making waves to protect our local waters as they share their work. Learn about recent progress they’ve made and exciting breakthroughs that can facilitate restoration efforts both locally and around the world! Then hear from one of the most respected and inspiring marine biologists, Dr. Sylvia Earle, on the importance of their work, the value of the oceans, and why we should all be working to protect our Hope Spot. What does it mean to be a Hope Spot? How you can become more involved in protecting our Hope Spot? Join us and find out!
Panelists include:
This virtual event is limited to 1.5 hours and our local organizations have so much to share! So, leading up to this Panel Discussion, October 3-10 will be a week of informative videos, podcasts, and other educational content from local organizations on the forefront of marine research, restoration and conservation.
This is a free virtual discussion that is open to the public. Registration is required. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Oct 10, 2020 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Florida Gulf Coast Hope Spot Panel Featuring Dr. Sylvia Earle
Register in advance for this webinar:
Please be sure to participate in the Hope Spot 1-Year Anniversary Week Education and Celebration leading up to this discussion!